Justine Horton
Senior Guide
Wilderness First ResponderNY State Licensed Guide

Justine was born and raised in New York City, but since childhood has found great joy and peace in the outdoors. Growing up, she was fortunate to spend her summers in the Catskill Mountains, where she first began hiking and backpacking. Since then, Justine has gone on to become an avid outdoorsperson. She has hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, the Long Trail, vast sections of the Appalachian Trail, and has completed many shorter backpacking trips in Alaska, New Zealand, Myanmar, Iceland, and Tanzania. While her passion is backpacking, she also enjoys rock climbing, trail running, snowboarding, cross-country skiing, car-camping, and hiking interpretive trails. Justine believes that time spent outside can have a truly meaningful impact on an individual’s life, and that learning the skills one needs to succeed in an outdoor pursuit can be incredibly empowering and rewarding. As an outdoor educator and guide for teenagers and adults, she works to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to safely, intentionally, and responsibly engage with the outdoors.